Lycia Scouting and Nature Lovers Culture Association

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Our Erasmus+ Mobilities

War and Peace


Our Youth Exchange with title War and Peace, was held in Zlata Idka, Slovakia. Together with 38 wonderful people from Slovakia, Turkey, Poland, Croatia and Finland, we talked about current conflicts in the world, and worked together on peace solutions. Project was co-founded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union with help of IUVENTA – Slovenský inštitút mládeže. During our Youth Exchange, we were very lucky with weather in Zlata Idka .That is why we did many activities outside, even tough it was October. Our Youth exchange was focused on communication skills, teambuilding, conflicts management, and research of organisations working on peace in this world. Since War and Peace is a very sensitive and emotional topic, we were capturing the educational process on photographs. During our youth exchange, we visited Gymnazium Opatovska in Kosice, to let students know about Erasmus plus, Youth Exchanges, Our Youth Exchange and about how peace is build in the world. Also during this visit, participants had chance to conduct activity in frame of non-formal education, to share what they have learned and experienced.

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