Lycia Scouting and Nature Lovers Culture Association

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Our Local Events

A Day in the Lavender Field



07:00 Laura Shopping Center Motion (Shopping Mall Parking)
07:25 5M Migros AVM Motion (Underpass)
08:00 Breakfast Break
10:30 Salda Lake Free Time
12:00 Salda Lake Motion
13:30 Visiting the Lunch Break and Lavender Fields in Kuyucak Village, the Capital of Lavender Fields
17:00 Moving to Kuyucak Village
18:00 Dinner in Burdur
19:00 Movement
21:00 Arrival to Antalya

Date: July 08, 2018
Price: 100 TL
For Application: Erdal ÇAKIROĞLU: 0.532.6551481
