Lycia Scouting and Nature Lovers Culture Association

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Our KA2 Partnership Projects

DECRYPT (Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTs)

DECRYPT (Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTs)

The main objectives of this project are establishing a partnership to research and exchange experiences on digital and STEM education for adults in partner countries, leading to the elaboration of a proper training format, involving educators in digital and scientific literacy, promoting digital and scientific education, involving the ultimate target group of adults.

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Our President Osman PİŞİRİCİ attended the meeting of the project named DECRYPT (Digital and sciEntifiC liteRacY uPskilling for adulTs) held in Berlin. In this very productive meeting, many issues related to the project were discussed.

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We participated in the partner staff training of our Erasmus+ KA2-ADU project, DECRYPT, which took place in Greece. During this training held from July 23rd to 29th, we discussed the project's progress so far and planned for the upcoming phases. ?? Through the DECRYPT project, we aim to promote the sharing of best practices in digital and scientific education for adults, with the goal of identifying reliable sources in new media and enhancing the understanding of scientific concepts. ??

Click to access the Training Format of our project.